No Depth.....

Stepped out the other day and found this little guy hanging out on a rock. Looks to be changing out of some old skin. After seeing him/her, I bolted inside to grab the camera (if you know me, you know I don’t bolt) and came back to grab some photos. Two shots and he/she took off, but I like this one.

But, speaking of depth, or lack thereof, for purposes of this I am speaking about depth of field and my struggle to get enough. If we were talking about me and my struggles, I would go on forever here. But I am struggling with getting sufficient depth of field in some of my close up photos. Probably doesn’t help getting as close as I can with a 400mm lens, but at f8 or f11 I would expect a bit more than a few millimeters. For these shots however, the blurriness caused by a lack of depth of field afforded these two a bit of privacy.

Also took a moment to grab a quick shot of a Crown of Thorns.